Home Beneath the Church

Home Beneath the Church
Lauren Davis
2022- January
Fernwood Press


"These poems showcase frustrations and deep-rooted hungers so authentically human we almost catch the heartbeat’s throb in each line we ghost over. “I wait at the forest’s edge,” says Lauren Davis, “eager, out in the clearing,” and we can’t help but want to join her."
Elijah Burrell, author of Troubler and The Skin of the River

"Home Beneath the Church is a collection of beauty and grace…. Lauren Davis is the poet you need to be reading; I am forever in awe of her work, and this stunning collection left me so thankful she is writing poems."
Kelli Russell Agodon, author of Dialogues with Rising Tides

"With its incantations about how a woman resides within the (un) holy rooms of her body’s longings and belongings, Home Beneath the Church crafts a home, a sanctuary, for any reader to cohabitate with the language of the prismatic familial and sacred."
Sandra Yannone, author of Boats for Women

"Every part of nature—the lover, the moon, snow, the sky, hummingbirds mating, a herd of elks—is worshipped on these pages. Lauren Davis is a poet who cannot name her sins without offering them her tears."
Risa Denenbeberg, author of slight faith


Lauren Davis is the author of the chapbooks Each Wild Thing’s Consent and The Missing Ones. She holds an MFA from the Bennington College Writing Seminars. Davis lives on the Olympic Peninsula in a Victorian seaport community.


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